Jolee’s Cutest Pet Photo Contest
May 1st – June 10th 2012
Between May 1-20, bring your Favorite Pet Picture to:
2004 w. Hwy 50 O’Fallon IL 62269
(618) 628-8877
(618) 628-8877
Then stop in and vote: May 21-June 10
4 votes for $1 or 24 for $5.
receive Scrapbook Factory Gift Card:
1st Place: $50
2nd Place: $30
3rd Place: $20
Place: $10
money raised will be donated to area animal non-profit organizations.
Pictures must be brought into the store, 4x6 preferred, no digital submissions please. Include your pets name,
your name and phone number on the back of your picture.
Pictures will be displayed in store for voting. Pictures can be picked up after June 10th.